Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves the delivery of shock waves to an injured area to promote healing. About this treatment: it produces highly effective shock waves that initiate biological regeneration processes at the cellular level.
Basically, treatment involving technology that applies short, frequent, and high intensity bursts of mechanical energy (in the form of a shockwave) into soft-tissue that is injured, scarred, or contains adhesions, is painful, or inflamed.
Softwave Regeneration, LLC is a medical technology company that is developing advanced solutions specializing in shockwave therapy for better patient healing.
Located in Woodstock, GA, SoftWave Regeneration, LLC is committed to the scientific advancement of tissue healing and regeneration and the development of the most effective innovations to improve the quality of lives globally. German-engineered with superior quality, this technology is used worldwide in the healthcare fields of orthopedics, traumatology, wound care, aesthetics, and urology.
SoftWave technology is trusted by the top major medical research centers in the U.S. and worldwide, with over 300 published studies of the technology supporting its effectiveness. It has a strong international presence with its German manufacturing partner and is internationally recognized by the International Society for Medical Shockwave Technology (ISMST).
Softwave Regeneration, LLC is a medical technology company that is developing advanced solutions specializing in shockwave therapy for better patient healing.